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Who is Will Campos?


Will Campos is a former County Council Member from Prince George's County, Maryland.  He served ten years in this position before running for higher office for the State House of Delegates of Maryland.  After only serving one term he stepped down due to becoming the subject of a federal investigation.


He quickly admitted to his wrongdoing but he did not realize how deceptive, subjective and unfair the justice system in the United States is.  He got to personally see the abuse of power at every step of the way from the investigation to the prosecution to finally his conviction and incarceration.  As an elected official he would have never seen that side of the abuse because the government shields the reality of what they put people through from society, specially elected officials. Modern technology is making a difference at capturing police brutality, but there is a lot more that is hidden that goes on behind the scenes by the police, the prosecutors, the courts, and the prisons that a cell phone cannot capture.


While in prison he saw the blatant targeting of African Americans and how this government uses black lives to justify their mass incarceration agenda.  He wants to make a difference for people of color and lobby those in power to bring change to a flawed and subjective system.

from policitician, to convicted felon, to activist

In elected office from 2004 to 2015

Served as County Counci Member and

Maryland State Delegate


- Was completely ignorant to the problem of mass incarceration in the United States. Foolishly believed that system was fair.

Forced to plead to 54 months in prison for $340,000 damage in government funds

-Personal gain - $15,000, sentencing guidelines were based on total amount.

-No prior legal problems

-First time offender


Same judge one year later sentenced another public official from Maryland who stole 7 million dollars, twenty times more in damage than Campos to less time.  Key difference between the two cases, Campos is Hispanic. 


-Black Lives Matter supporter

-LGBT Community supporter

-Immigrant rights supporter


-Has seen firsthand how black men are targeted, railroaded, and kept from advancing during and after incarceration.

-Whites are not immune either, however, there is a significant difference in the concentration by prosecutors among races. None-the-less, thousands of white families suffer 

unnecessarily every year also.

"No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside it's jails.  A nation should

not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones."

-Nelson Mandela

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